Title of the Position

Business Development Manager



Reports to

Upper Management

Overall Responsibility

Devoting his or her attention towards business development of a particular organization by exploiting the various business opportunities presented for him or her. Proper analysis of company strategies and the present business sector would be compulsory in order to carry out this task.

Key Areas of Responsibility

  • Investigating the economy, market competition and market trends that is applicable to the organization
  • Conduct a market research to arrive at a proper decision regarding a particular business plan
  • Continue to analyze the market conditions all through the career as a business development manager
  • Preparing detailed and well suited plans so that the organization has huge benefits
  • Securing financial resources so that expansion and development of the business plans of the organization is done properly
  • Contacting and keeping in touch with professional advisors like lawyers, bankers, accountants etc so that expert information can be obtained
  • Networking with other business people, small as well as large
  • Attending work shops, seminars and trade shows so that accurate information is obtained regarding the latest industry developments

Consults With

Other managers


Accounts department



Ability to identify good business opportunities that are suitable for the organization

An ability to effectively carry out negotiations as well as closing deals

Excellent communication so that he or she can deal with all types of people in the business sector

Be a self motivating person

Skills required for closing the deals so that the organization has maximum benefit
