Education Lawyer Job Profile and Description

Lawyers are of different types due to the plethora of specializations in this field but all of them have a primary task and that is to connect the society to the system of law. The Education Lawyers offer justice to those people who have faced discrimination in the process of acquiring education. They also implement the rules and regulations pertaining to the education system. The education lawyers also ensure that the established laws are being followed and newly introduced ones are being properly implemented. The job profile of this professional, as the title suggests revolve round the world of education.

Education Lawyer Duties and Responsibilities

  • Advising the clients, interpreting the rules, determining the possible results by studying the legal precedents.
  • Developing strategies and scrutinizing the findings.
  • Researching and gathering of information in order to establish a case.
  • Keeping abreast of the statues and ordinances pertaining to different cases.
  • Preparing and drafting the legal documents thereby acting as the agent of the client.
  • Staying aware of any development which takes place in the field of his specialization.

Education Lawyer Skills and Specifications

  • Ability to advice and counsel people efficiently.
  • Persuasiveness.
  • Ability to negotiate.
  • Strong grasp over oratory methods.
  • Great analytical skills.
  • High observational and memorization skills.

Education Lawyer Education and Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree from a reputed law school along with courses like history, political science, economics, and social science is highly essential.
  • Diploma degree in the subject of Education for a good deal of understanding about the laws pertaining to it.

Education Lawyer Salary

In 2004, the median remuneration for the education lawyers was $94,930 per annum. However, their income would greatly vary depending on the nature of the organization they work for and the experience of the professional.
