There are many different kinds of career personality tests all aimed at determining the temperament and aptitude of the candidate for a particular job. These also enable employers to get a feel of the kind of employees they are hiring and the suitability of each for his or her job. Career personality tests have become almost procedural in a number of companies and offices and are considered a respectable and accurate way of judging character. Some of the most common and authentic career personality tests are as follows:

  • Meyers-Briggs Test: This test, designed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Meyers, is one of the most important kinds of career personality test since it tests an individual’s basic nature as an extrovert or an introvert. In addition to this, there are six other areas where the individual’s responses are checked and these include sensing, judging, intuition, perceiving, thinking and feeling. A candidate for a job is usually asked to complete the Meyers-Briggs test by filling in a questionnaire which has been designed according to the norms set by Briggs and Meyers. The results are fairly accurate and this test has almost become standard proceeding in a number of company recruitments.
  • Keirsey Temperament Sorter: This particular test has been created by David Keirsey and is considered to be standard proceeding in many recruitment drives across the country. It is closely related to the Meyers-Briggs test and judges the temperament of an individual by placing him in four groups: rationalist, artisans, idealists and guardians. This test is a bit more complex than the Meyers-Briggs test.

Thus there are two basic tests which have found general acceptance and there are some other tests which are restricted to specialized jobs and groups. The importance of career personality tests is on the rise and they have become extremely popular as well.
